Download eXp World and Explore Marketing Resources

Step 1
Download eXp World
Go to: https://exp.world/welcome
A unique and amazing part of eXp Realty is the agents, brokers, and staff available “in-world.” Attend live classes, network with other agents, and access support from any location. If you’re always on the go. exp.world​
Step 2
Create Your Avatar in eXp World
On your first visit to eXp World you will be prompted to customize your avatar. Use the panel options on the left of the screen to make selections that change your avatar appearance. You can return to this screen at any time if you want to make changes later.
Click the green button at the bottom right corner when you’re ready to enter eXp World!
You can change your avatar’s displayed name by clicking your name in the top left corner. Click Profile and then Edit Profile. Sign in to make changes.
Step 3
Send your headshot and contact information
Send your headshot and contact information to support@wepartnersnetwork.com
Step 4
Order Signs and Business Cards
You will receive 1,000 FREE business cards & 25 presentation folders as a welcome gift from eXp Realty!
Marketing Resources Download customizable marketing materials in the eXp Marketing Center, read the brand guidelines, find logos, and order yard signs and business cards. Be sure to visit the Marketing Center Workplace Group.
To get your discounted business cards & presentation folders from the New Agent Starter Kit go to the eXp New Agent section of our partner, Build-A-Sign.
Must be fully onboarded by eXp to place an order.
Step 5
Update your BIO
Update your Zillow, realtor.com, eXp, Facebook, Instagram, and Workplace profiles.
Don't be a secret agent!

Got Questions? Visit with Staff in Onboarding and Agent Support.
Onboarding times for the entire process can take 48 hours or more depending on all parties' involvement and accuracy.